Friday, December 15, 2006

Am I a Grinch?

Apparently this is the explanation...

You Are Somewhat Mature

Although you may feel Grinch-like at times, it's just because you're worn out from the holidays.

You get into the holiday spirit more than most people - and you truly enjoy celebrating with your family and friends.

Procrastination, Stubbornness and Perfectionism…

So I have not posted in a while but it doesn’t mean this blog is far from my mind. In fact it’s because I wanted my next two posts to be perfect why I have not already put them up. I am at the point now where I have overcome my stubborn attitude and decided to proceed with other things rather than waiting.

My tree is up and I am luke warm to it. Not that it looks bad… Just not how I wanted it to look like that other tree I saw. I wanted to show you guys a picture but my camera is not working. I called somewhere to get it looked at but that won’t happen before Monday.

My room is done. It looks okay. I like it. I have more to do. But it’ll happen… eventually. That’s another thing I need to take pictures of.

I am not particularly in a good mood. In fact I am feeling kinda blah and almost bah-hum-buggy. Not to mention untalented and unappreciated.

This too shall pass…

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Daffodil Principle

I found this story inspirational and I thought I would share it with my readers. Often times we look at struggles in our life and think that we cannot overcome. But if we take it bit by bit we can progress to complete the task. Read on…

Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over." I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead "I will come next Tuesday", I promised a little reluctantly on her third call.

Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and reluctantly I drove there. When I finally walked into Carolyn's house I was welcomed by the joyful sounds of happy children. I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren.

"Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible in these clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch!"

My daughter smiled calmly and said, "We drive in this all the time, Mother." "Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears, and then I'm heading for home!" I assured her.

"But first we're going to see the daffodils. It's just a few blocks," Carolyn said. "I'll drive. I'm used to this."

"Carolyn," I said sternly, "Please turn around." "It's all right, Mother, I promise. You will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience."

After about twenty minutes, we turned onto a small gravel road and I saw a small church. On the far side of the church, I saw a hand lettered sign with an arrow that read, "DaffodilGarden." We got out of the car, each took a child's hand, and I followed Carolyn down the path. Then, as we turned a corner, I looked up and gasped. Before me lay the most glorious sight.

It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it over the mountain peak and its surrounding slopes. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns, great ribbons and swaths of deep orange, creamy white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, and saffron and butter yellow. Each different-colored variety was planted in large groups so that it swirled and flowed like its own river with its own unique hue. There were five acres of flowers.

"Who did this?" I asked Carolyn. "Just one woman," Carolyn answered. "She lives on the property. That's her home." Carolyn pointed to a well-kept A-frame house, small and modestly sitting in the midst of all that glory. We walked up to the house.

On the patio, we saw a poster. "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking", was the headline. The first answer was a simple one. "50,000 bulbs," it read. The second answer was, "One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, and one brain." The third answer was, "Began in 1958."

For me, that moment was a life-changing experience. I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more than forty years b before, had begun, one bulb at a time, to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountain top. Planting one bulb at a time, year after year, this unknown woman had forever changed the world in which she lived. One day at a time, she had created something of extraordinary magnificence, beauty, and inspiration. The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest principles of celebration.

That is, learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time--often just one baby-step at time--and learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time. When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world ..

"It makes me sad in a way," I admitted to Carolyn. "What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a wonderful goal thirty-five or forty years ago and had worked away at it 'one bulb at a time' through all those years? Just think what I might have been able to achieve!"

My daughter summed up the message of the day in her usual direct way. "Start tomorrow," she said.

She was right. It's so pointless to think of the lost hours of yesterdays. The way to make learning a lesson of celebration instead of a cause for regret is to only ask, "How can I put this to use today?"

Use the Daffodil Principle. Stop waiting.....
Until your car or home is paid off
Until you get a new car or home
Until your kids leave the house
Until you go back to school
Until you finish school
Until you clean the house
Until you organize the garage
Until you clean off your desk
Until you lose 10 lbs.
Until you gain 10 lbs.
Until you get married
Until you get a divorce
Until you have kids
Until the kids go to school
Until you retire
Until summer
Until spring
Until winter
Until fall
Until you die...

There is no better time than right now to be happy.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

So work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt, and, Dance like no one's watching.

Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

Wishing you a beautiful, daffodil day!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Things to Do

So the Christmas vibes continues and with it comes the happy homemaker syndrome. I have been toying with the idea of fixing up my room for a while. I need to inject some colour in to my life. All this almost came to fruition this weekend. However, due to inclement weather and closed stores it got postponed. So next weekend there will be painting and sewing and rearranging. Sounds like a lot of work but I am looking forward to it.

On another note – the Christmas Tree. So I went to Azmart and saw THE PERFECT TREE. I am so in love with it. It’s mostly red and gold and gorgeous. So I got this idea to get similar looking things to fix my tree up. At one point I was just tempted to buy the damn thing but J$50,000 is a little out of the budget. But I am so cautious to do my own tree now. I see what I like and if it isn’t even half way to where I want it to be I will be saddened and might even become obsessed about fixing it. LOL I guess it’s the perfectionist in me.

I came across this poem I thought was just so funny and I want to share it with you.

Twas the night of Thanksgiving, but I just couldn’t sleep
I tried counting backwards, I tried counting sheep.
The leftovers beckoned -- the dark meat and white,
but I fought the temptation with all my might.
Tossing and turning with anticipation,
the thought of a snack became infatuation.
So I raced to the kitchen, flung open the door
and gazed at the fridge, full of goodies galore.
I gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes,
pickles and carrots, beans and tomatoes.
I felt myself swelling so plump and so round,
till all of a sudden, I rose off the ground.
I crashed through the ceiling, floating into the sky
With a mouthful of pudding and handful of pie.
But I managed to yell as I soared past the trees...
Happy eating to all -- pass the cranberries, please!
Author Unknown

LOL Next year I need to talk about all the exercises to do to get the holiday weight off. I wanna put a count down to Christmas on here too… I am doing it with my MSN. *grin* Then a countdown to the birthday. LOL Need some more interactivity here man!

Anyway… Peace out!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

I know that the tradition of the American Thanksgiving commemorates back in 1621 when the pilgrims settled by Plymouth Rock in MA and the native Indians had a feast to welcome them. Since then the meal portion of that piece of history has exploded in to an excuse for stuffing yourselves (no pun intended) on turkey especially – so much so that the day has come to be called “Turkey Day.”

Thanksgiving is now always the fourth Thursday in the month of November for the Americans, but to my surprise on of the Presidents (don’t remember which) tried to move it to the third Thursday. Why? Because of “Black Friday.” Black Friday is the biggest shopping day in the States – even more so than the days before and after Christmas. Why the name Black Friday? Well it’s because at that time of the year most retail stores make the most profits and so they move from out of the red aka bankruptcy / functioning at a loss. I would think it should be called Green Friday – get it? Anyway… corny!

So President Roosevelt (I looked it up) decided that that would give retailers an extra week to make money. Plus this was all during the Depression and all of that so I guess he was trying to help the economy… it went on for about two years like that. However, the traditionists fought out that idea and it was reinstated and placed in the Constitution.

Anyway… enough history. It’s just fresh in my mind because I am home sick and watched this program on National Geographic called “Thanksgiving Unstuffed.” It was quite interesting. Y’all should check it out.

There is so much in life that we sometimes take for granted and just forget to give thanks for. Even though we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in Jamaica I cannot help but to reflect on thoughts of gratefulness that lingers with me on a day like today. Why? Simply because of the name of the holiday. And traditionally Christians give thanks to God at this time of the year for the food that they have at the close of the harvest.

So what would I like to give God thanks for? I thank God for:

  • Life – the air I breathe, my beating heart, all my life functions
  • Salvation – knowing that there is a better place somewhere out there than here where we struggle
  • Family – even though they piss me off I still can’t live without them
  • Mitchie (subset of family) – my dog; that guy makes me so happy
  • Friends – extended family, for those who have come in to our lives and left an impression
  • Love – to be able to love and to be loved
  • Food – sustenance
  • Home – more than just shelter, the people and memories make a home
  • Health – aside from a little flu I can still see, smell (kinda), taste (somewhat), hear and feel
  • My Job – even though I am a wits end with twits I have to work with
  • Intelligence – to be able to make good decisions, to have logical thought and to use it to make money
  • Technology – what was life like without a computer?
  • Car – it’s such a good stress relief
  • Jamaica – a beautiful little country that needs to work on its corruption issues
  • Hardship – it builds character and makes us stronger individuals

As sucky as we might think life is sometimes, we have a lot going for us. What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Where did the time go?

So I came across this site that asks you some general questions about yourself and to rate yourself on a scale with regards to some “pseudo-scientific” criteria. This is how I turned out:

My Profile:

  • 40% Busy Bee
  • 20% Cat Nap
  • 40% Sloth

I have wasted…

  • 15.1 Years getting some shut eye
  • 2.1 Years making waves aka using the toilet
  • 1.2 Years working for the man
  • 2.6 Years chowing down on food
  • 2.3 Weeks trying on sunglasses
  • 7.3 Months playing videogames
  • 1.8 Months caring about celebrities
  • 3.2 Weeks trying on shoes
  • 1.7 Months staring out the window

I am shocked by the sunglasses and the shoes bit. I love both! I have kicked the video game habit. I have been working a little over a year now. And my desk is right by a window… gee I wonder how they figured out that’s how my days go by. Hmmm…

Check out the site

So how much time have you wasted?

Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy Holy-Days

This Blog thing just doesn’t seem to be working out on too much of a frequent basis… But like a good friend, meeting after an extended period of absence you’re not hung up on the time apart but rather on playing catch up.

It’s that time of year when all the silliness and the revelry begins. I am in the mood, I have been in the mood for weeks now and I plan on staying in the mood all the way up until my birthday one month after the fact. That’s a lot of good times.

At my workplace the ratio of Christians : Heathens is actually 1:1… I am not sure what that implies but I sure hope that it doesn’t mean that you’re going to need Jesus extensively to be able to make it through each day here (there’s a story here but I will save that for another time).

Anyway, 75% of the Christians are Jehovah’s Witnesses (oi vey) … and in case you’re not aware, Birthdays and Christmas are big NO NOs for them. So our End of Year Festivities at the office from hence forth will be referred to as the “Holiday” activities. LOL

So one of the Witnesses I admire the most gave me this excerpt to read from one of their Watch Tower booklets. Essentially the reasons they don’t celebrate these superfluous occasions aren’t entirely so bad when I think about it. I can see where they’re coming from.

For instance… why only recognize that someone was born and that they’re special to you and give them obligatory gifts only once per year? Point taken. But for me, I use Birthdays as just another reason to spend time with the people I love and to treat them. Sometimes you get caught up with other aspects of life and at least you can play catch up on a dedicated day. What if you practice appreciation of the person all year ‘round? Then is it so wrong to do it also on their birthday cuz it’s their personal day? The day they came into existence. We should thank God for that day and thank God for giving them to us on that day. Doesn’t mean we’re going to forget them the rest of the year… it’s just that that day is THEIR special day.

Christmas. Pagans worship their Gods on special days and so Witnesses think that if we do the same we’re emulating pagan-like tendencies. Plus, we should put more emphasis on His death since it’s through the shedding of His blood that we can inherit Eternal Life. Also, December 25 isn’t even His real birthday anyway. And worldly people have commercialized that time of year. Alright… I would be biased if I didn’t admit that it is thought provoking for me why we know for sure what days to celebrate His Death and Resurrection on at Easter time yet still it remains a mystery – almost as if there is some divine plan to deliberately hide it from us even though we can surmise – and we are not sure when exactly He was born.

If our Holiday festivities include more emphasis on Family, Love and the fact the He was Born, is it wrong in the eyes of Jehovah/God? They say that the most depression happens around this time of year but what about people like me who are happy? Maybe the people who get depressed are misguided by what they expect to get from the holidays rather than realizing the true meaning of it all. So you don’t have a lot of money for gifts – give something from the heart or give your time. Wouldn’t that make God happy? Doesn’t it make us feel good having family around? There are people who find religious symbolism in the event – the lights everywhere reminding us that Jesus is the Light of the World. And if all of that is at the core… what makes it so wrong?

He must have been Born in order to Die and ultimately be Resurrected. And if Pagans can put out so much for their many gods why can’t we do something to express ourselves in the way which is the cornerstone of Christian principles – Love.

It’s really funny though. I hear that when they used to call the End of Year activities at my office “Christmas Luncheon” or whatever it would never be supported by the Witnesses. But a simple change in name “Holiday Luncheon” has them all there and caught up in the cheerfulness of the occasion. Go figure…

I don’t feel convicted by enjoying Christmas. I love this time of year. More people are pleasant. The weather’s great! It should be Christmas everyday – a Holy-Day.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Most Wanted

So I found this really cool site here. You get to pretend like you’re a police sketch artist and generate your own face sketch. Make sure you send me your own drawings. I wanna see!

Version 1:

This is my interpretation of my face. I did muh friend D at work today and it looked so much like her. I think mine is not quite right but if I perfect it (with some help) I will update a more true version. It’s probably what I wish I looked like… more cute than I actually am. LOL

For those of you who know what I look like… what do you think? Way off? Almost there? Perfect? Holler and lemme know.

Monday, October 09, 2006

My Cubicle

This might be pretty stale by now but I still had to share it because of its appropriateness to my day today. I just stayed at work and surfed the net and chatted about all kinds of things – politix included!

My cubicle has a view though. I see everything/everyone that comes on the premises. But I don’t ever sit there nude… as tempting as it might be. LOL

Here's a picture of what my desk usually looks like on a productive day. *smile*

Monday, October 02, 2006

Pioneer Premier 6800MP

We had a little incident with one car this weekend where we had to replace the gas tank. Sounds scary but all of that effort was to avoid anything severe from happening. After dealing with the details on how to get that problem solved, I continued with my previous plan for installing my car radio.

A newfound long time friend of mine (such an oxymoron but I will explain it in another post) whose husband is a whiz in my opinion (Thanks again AC!) installed the receiver for me. So we spent the later part of Saturday evening buying the necessaries for the installation, pulling apart the dashboard, figuring out wires etc. I use the term “we” loosely cuz the majority of the time was with D and myself just watching and tending to the baby and chatting like we don’t already see each other everyday!! Oh yeh… there was this one point where I was reading the wiring guide and feeling quite ditsy cuz I couldn’t remember how to read circuit diagrams (and one as straightforward as that too).

So anyway, we ran out of time quickly and I had previously promised my parents to take them to Port Royal for dinner (me being in the mood too was a whole lot of encouragement as well). So I convinced muh friends to come along and we made a night of it. We just put the necessary in place and drove the car… of course enjoying the new radio! *smilez*

This radio is fab! I love it. It plays MP3s and WMA files and it’s pretty – the colour matches muh car! I am such a ricer at heart… Tons of features. And oh my goodness… what a difference a good radio makes! I spent the last two months dealing with the crappy stock radio in there that could only even play 5 radio stations and not so clearly. But this new radio with proper tuning gave new life to even the speakers I am planning on changing. Now it’s not such a rush cuz when I am stuck in traffic I can be entertained. Check out the specs here.
I even saw matching tweeters at a store with a neon blue housing. That would be a little extreme though.

Dinner was great. It was also very late and muh parents were a bit peeved, but they got in to the mood of the evening when we all got there. Where we’re used to buying from ran out of fish so we settled for this other place where the ambiance was nice sitting on a deck over the sea but the food wasn’t as good but palatable. We almost didn’t go but AC – after all that work and convincing him to go out after being tired – was insistent that he got ready and we better find some place to take him to. LOL

It was so much fun just enjoying each personality! We didn’t do anything hype or anything but it was just like a big family with three generation groups having good, clean fun. The time went by so quickly. We spent about three hours out there and it felt like an hour. Even the wait for the food went by unnoticeably. So much for good company.

But the drive there… oh my goodness! I have not driven my car as far since I got it back in August. I had so much fun that I forgot I was supposed to give my friends to car to drive back to their home and I would go over the next day to continue the work. I was looking forward to the drive back. LOL The car handles nicely. And with the weight of three adults… it sat on the road! Yeh!

So we finished up Sunday evening lyming again and tuning car stereos – both cars this time. Had some good food from the multi-talented man (Dinner was great AC). And here I am back at work on a Monday dreading the week. But alas… the weekend was well worth it.

Friday, September 29, 2006

I'm Baaack!

Well I have resurfaced. Las Vegas was indeed fabulous. I am thinking they say that everything is bigger in Texas so I can only imagine what that is like if Las Vegas is so GRAND! Everything is far!! I have to take a tram from my hotel (Luxor) to the neighboring hotel where the conference was hosted (Mandalay Bay) and then it was quite the hike to get to the conference centre.

Mandalay Bay has a special section called “The Hotel” and it really is THE Hotel. Plasma screens in every room. Top of the notch service. Maybe next time I am in Vegas I can spring for a night for US$500 and be treated well. LOL I think not! But it was nice to see how the other half lives.

At the Luxor where I stayed the hotel is actually in the shape of a pyramid. Great architecture! They had a Fear Factor episode there once where people had to slide down the side grabbing flags as one of their fearful challenges. Neat huh?

I think I had my first lesbian encounter with a woman hitting on me… literally! LOL On the night when we had our regional dinner (Caribbean & Latin America) at the Rum Jungle with a whole bunch of Spanish speaking persons! Imagine my coworker and I clinging to the one very bilingual person we met in that group. The Rum Jungle was nice though – LOTS of different kinds of rum even though I scoured the shelf and didn’t see any Jamaican Overproof. I tried their specialty drink with Butterscotch Rum… yum! Jungle Punch.

After dinner (seven courses with LOTS of meat – very Spanish inspired) the restaurant transforms in to a dance club. Scantily clad women dance on swings in the ceilings and levels above in glow-in-the-dark bikinis, etc. I took a seat after – ahem – dancing a bit, and this woman holds on to my shoulder while passing. So I took it was nothing. I looked at her when she did it and she said sorry and smiled. But after the second, third and fourth time of doing it and smiling and staring at me I got the hint and went to find some nice men to chill with. LOL

On my last day I really burnt out myself though. I decided to walk down the strip and probably catch a cab back. But then there was stuff on the other side of the road that I wanted to do so I braved it back by foot. This entire trip from the Luxor down to Caesars Palace is a 2 mile walk ONE WAY!

Imagine this… to cross the road you need to go up an escalator, across a overhead walkway and down another escalator. Plus, if the escalator wasn’t working you had to haul your @$$ up the stairs. Aye! And so I rushed back to my hotel to shower and prepare for the beach party, which I ended up being late for. Not to mention that my dogs were howling from the 4 mile trek and that does not include the detours off from the main road to see stuff. Oy!

So after the beach party I decided I was NOT going to leave without seeing the Bellagio waterfall at night! I glimpsed it in the day as a little side stop on my walk down the strip. But I could only imagine how magnificent it would have been at night. SO, being the masochist that I am (clearly there is no other explanation) I decided to go back out after the Beach Party.

I got the brilliant idea that I would take the MonoRail from the MGM Grand Hotel, which would stop at Ballys, which is just across from the Bellagio. At the time it seemed like a GREAT idea. Only to discover that the trek to get to the Monorail was at the opposite end of this major hotel which would terminate at the other end of Bally which means that the walk through the hotels themselves could have gotten me to the Bellagio in much shorter a journey had I just walked straight down the strip!

So anyway, I got there barely. I did my research and know for sure that there is a show every 15 minutes after 6pm until 12am. I got there a little before 10:45pm only to hear that the water show is experiencing technical difficulties. WHAT THE $%@#?!?!? I plopped my fat ass down on the sidewalk and said I am going to wait on this thing because I could not have tortured myself like that to end up with seeing nothing. I waited, 11pm came, then 11:15pm and then at 11:30pm after an almost 45 minute wait it began.

The water show was gorgeous. I filmed it but the video doesn’t do it much justice as seeing it. It’s amazing what hydro technicians (any such thing?) can do to coordinate such a wonderful movement and lighting of water!! They made up for the delay too cuz I saw about 4 different shows in the 30 minute period. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even though my adventurous streak made me do all of this alone I wanted to share this moment with someone special. Ah well! I made the best of it.

I almost got a henna tattoo too. I think I was just too tired to decide on what pattern to get. I mean… what would I want to be looking at for the next 3 weeks. Such a hard decision. LOL

I had no intention of walking all the way back so I tried hailing a cab. Not like it is in Jamaica. LOL I finally caught up with a cab driver that was off duty on a break parked at a CVS I went in to get me some refreshment. I overpaid him (only way I was going to get going NOW) and he took me to my hotel. I didn’t care. I just needed to get to the Luxor to rest, pack and be back up at 4am.

Thank GOD for wake up calls. My flight was at 7am and even though we’re not far from the airport, getting through security is such a hassle – long lines, and of course, the walk through the airport is another feat. I was this close to asking for wheelchair assistance. I felt so pop down it wasn’t funny. But guess what? All of that wasn’t me being unfit – I was coming down with some flu/sinus infestation. Great, huh?

I made it back despite the pain. I slept all the way to Miami and only woke up for a sip of drink to ease my dry throat. Thank God in Denver the gates were beside each other. But after I got some walk I had another little trek through the Miami terminal. LOL It never rains but it pours! *smile*

So on my things to do list I didn’t do so badly.

  • I did the Bellagio (barely)
  • I went shopping at the Aladdin (not the Outlet Center like I wanted to though)
  • I went to Caesars Palace

  • Saw the Eiffel Tower

  • Didn’t do an IMAX Theatre but not feeling too bad about that cuz they’re everywhere – there was even one in my hotel
  • No Cyber Speedway
  • Of course there was gambling – you couldn’t escape it, even at the airport terminal!

I made it. I am the better for it. And oh yeh… I learnt some good stuff at conference and made some good contacts. LOL That *was* the purpose of this trip after all! I enjoyed it. I would do it all over again. There was so much FOOD! We had a big breakfast, then there was lunch, a break with snacks and a huge dinner with tons of alcohol! Plus there were always beverages in between. I burnt off all the extra calories from the walking. LOL

Next year? Conference in Nashville TN. My fingers are crossed that I will get to go. If not then maybe some other time… Politics *smile*

Pictures will be posted soon and videos too! I am working on it… The ones above are borrowed goods for now. But I tried to make sure they were as close to what I saw as possible (except the arial view which I didn't see everything at that level). Anyway... you get my point.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Las Vegas

Okay so I might be out of commission for a few days and who can blame me? LAS VEGAS baby! Yes… I leave tomorrow afternoon for my long trek to this fabulous city.

I am getting a little excited now cuz I am starting to map out all the things I need to do! Also I have got to take TONS of pictures. I will post them eventually.

Oh yeh… I forgot to mention… this is work related. LOL I hope I can fit in a training session here or there.

JK I have made sure that all the things I want to do open late so I can accommodate them after “work.” But of course all work and no play… ain’t gonna happen!

Hehe So Anyway… I have been level headed about this trip until now! I looked at
and I got a bunch of ideas. Plus I had a few of my own based on stuff I have heard in passing.

So on my to do list:

  • Bellagio
  • Shopping – Especially at the Las Vegas Outlet Center where I hear they have good deals!
  • Caesar’s Palace
  • The Eiffel Tower
  • IMAX Theatre
  • Las Vegas Cyber Speedway
  • Gambling (That’s EVERYWHERE!)

I don’t think I will have time to fit in much else.

My only fear now is that I won’t seem to anti-social wanting to do all these things! But heck I’ll just convince whomever I meet and chill with that these are trademark things to do. Otherwise GF be trekkin alone and having fun!

This is something I've always wanted to do. Not Las Vegas in particular... but a fun spot where my adventurous streak can run wild!

One thing I won’t do is get married! *grin* No Britney Spears flexes roun’ ‘ere!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Road Hogz

So I have been waiting on an Insurance settlement to come out of an incident that took place over 7 months ago. I swear that that day brought me the worst luck I have ever seen in the span of 20 minutes!

I had a job interview that afternoon and thank God the bad luck ran out cuz I ended up getting the job! But anyway… I digress. I got ready to leave my house when I went outside my windshield was busted! And I don’t mean a little crack. I mean a hell of an impact leaving shatter marks right across the whole damn thing. Okay then… let’s take this in stride. At least I still have a ride to get to my interview. So I went inside to use the bathroom (an almost instantaneous reaction after seeing the car), and proceeded along my merry way.

About 5 minutes in to the actual journey I had another run in (no pun intended). Making my way down a main road which branches eventually from one lane in to two lanes. I decided to take the outermost lane only to have this mad man from a reputable region-wide telecommunications company in a company vehicle slam in to the back of my vehicle. Okay… this is really not happening to me today.

After a second of disbelief I realize that this @$$ wipe that just hit me in the back of my car is driving away! So I was in pursuit of this runaway assailant when the stoplight caught him and he was at the front of the light. HIT AND FRIKKIN RUN! So I started chase and went to the front of the line to turn my car diagonally in front of his vehicle to get his attention.

As soon as I could have put the car in park, open the door and move to the front of my vehicle – a squad car approached the scene. Thank God cause no sooner than the police instructed us to move to the side and we got out to exchange particular did the culprit start to express his anger in a derogatory manner. He did get a warning from the police office to cease and desist but of course this was a bruised ego talking. The damage was not extensive but there was damage to my vehicle nonetheless and the best part – none to his!

After all of this I went to the interview and afterwards got a bite to eat before proceeding to the nearest police station where the incident took place, only upon my arrival to determine that the culprit had made it there before I did. Fine. Then the police man started telling me that Mr. Hit-n-Run is claiming that I was on my mobile phone! Yeh… and that made you hit me in the back to teach me a lesson? So the police asked me if my window was up or down – HELLO! Did you know what time this accident took place? MIDDAY! There is NO WAY that I would be dressed up in a black jacket going to an interview with my windows down to mess up my makeup and hair! Hmph…

Anyway, after much running up and down to get the necessary evaluations, police report, filing the claim, etc. This dude didn’t report the incident to his company and ultimately their insurance company. Great! Be difficult. So there was more waiting to get his driver’s license from the Tax Administration Department.

That car has since been sold. I did the repairs. Everything on that end I made sure to document so I could be fully reimbursed. I have since gotten another car and I went back to clear off some other insurance protocols at the office today only to be handed a paper which is said to have a retort to the police statement from the driver in some crab toe handwriting. I am to read it and make a comment in writing on the matter.

I have reproduced the document below and included my comments. I can’t say these things in my response, so I might as well vent them here. I have not changed it for grammar or spelling. And no, I am not just idle, but I need to include a typed copy of it in my response. Here it is…

Upon examination of the statement given by the police, the only information I can concur with is the direction the vehicles were travelling in and the description given of both vehicles involved in the accident. All other information provided in the statement is distorted. You mean the statement delivered by the unbiased officers of the law giving on the facts of the account sans emotions and padding is distorted? Are you calling the officers liars? If they got distorted information it must have been based off your account.

The statement has failed to recognize that a JUTC public passenger bus was parked at a bus stop facing South (the same direction in which both vehicles in question were travelling). In the same statement that you gave where this bus failed to materialize until SEVEN MONTHS LATER. Behind the bus there were some vehicles including the Toyota Corolla with the driver visibly utilizing a cellular telephone while driving. You were that close to see me using my Cellular phone through tinted, wound up windows? Ultra-bionic vision! I was to the right of the Toyota Corolla (in the other lane heading south) when without indicating her intent to switch lanes the driver of the Toyota Corolla, 1234 XY (censored), proceeded directly into my path which caused the stated collision. Despite the violent blowing of my vehicle’s horn, the driver did not stop but insisted on getting around the other vehicles and the bus. Now wait a minute… where the accident took place was where the road started to diverge in to two lanes… one after the other you pick a lane to go in. Who gave you the right of way coming from behind me? So you were overtaking but didn’t quite make it around me and therefore hit me in the back?

Subsequently, in order to avoid a pile up of traffic along the south bound carriageway (The road to hell is paved with good intentions), I proceeded a few metres down the road, after signaling to the driver of the Corolla that I was going to stop. LIES! You did no such thing you imbecile! After stopping a marked police vehicle recognized that there was a situation and proceeded to stop and find out what was happening. You mean when he saw my car sideways in front of your car at the front of the line by the intersection… okay, yes they could identify that as trouble!

Considering the fact that I was furious about the circumstances under which the accident took place and the fact that the driver of the Corolla was denying her actions (you didn’t give me a chance to open my mouth much less to deny), I began shouting and acting in what could be described as a boisterous manner (To say the least… you also forgot derogatory / abusive). It was then that I was given a verbal warning by the policeman (TWICE!).

Bravo! You get a B+ for language and grammar. How many times did someone have to coach you through this before you could produce this account SEVEN MONTHS after the incident took place?

I don’t even know where to start with this crap when generating my response. This is preposterous! I am so peeved! As if waiting to be reimbursed wasn’t punishment enough, after not reporting it to anyone but the police you want to throw a spoke in the wheels of motion?

I swear people should be given an IQ test as a part of their application for a Driver’s License.

Who understands men?

Saw this one and knew I just had to Blog it cuz it’s so frikkin true! Read on…
  • The nice men are ugly.
  • The handsome men are not nice.
  • The handsome and nice men are gay.
  • The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.
  • The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no money.
  • The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money, think we are only after their money.
  • The handsome men without money are after our money.
  • The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough.
  • The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money, are cowards.
  • The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and, thank God, are heterosexual, are shy and do not NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!!!!
  • The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative.

Anyone who thinks they’ve got a handle on what men want and where the perfect ones are hiding, please holler at me and let me know!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What’s in a name?

Main Entry: Pathetic Phallusy
Pronunciation: puh-THET-ik FAL-uh-see
Function: Adjective

So you might be wondering why the name of my blog is Pathetic Phallusy. And before I get any cheeky suggestions as to my ignorance - I’d like to dispel such anxieties by proclaiming that there is a method to my madness.

I needed a unique phrase that would adequately define what this blog is about, yet would remain abstract enough to have the meaning evolve as this blog matures… That’s the textbook answer. *smilez*

Anyway, the word is a derivative of the literary term Pathetic Fallacy which is when we give “life” to inanimate objects i.e. make them seem human. One example I remember from all the way back in High School is – “The sea is pregnant.” That makes my mind imagine the large waves coming in with the tide. Anyway, I digress…

So I decided to make a pun of that term. (I am starting to sound like I am lecturing in Literature). Now, a pun is a mischievous way of confusing similarly sounding words to give a different meaning to the word. Notice how “Pathetic Fallacy” and “Pathetic Phallusy” sound alike? While “Phallusy” isn’t a real word, it is my creation from the word “Phallus” which means something that is penis-shaped (I should copyright it).

So to look a bit deeper at the situation, you know how people usually connote people who act stupid / silly / do senseless things and especially when what is done offends as pricks / dick-heads? Yep! Phallus-like.

Hehe! So to bring this argument full circle now… People who do stupid things are pathetic. LOL And I’m sure that I will be mentioning a lot of the stupid acts I come across on a daily basis as I do.



Welcome to my blog… And I officially have nothing to say already. JK

I have made several attempts to start a blog of my own but to very little avail. I keep needing to vent my frustrations and end up feeling like…
...Ya know! If I had a Blog I could just let it
all out there and get rid of the pent up energies…
...Let’s see how long I can keep this up for. Wish me luck!

I think they should have a vlog… voice blog. So I could just record my thoughts instead of having to type them down. That would be so much easier. Who knows… maybe it exists but I just haven’t poked my head out from under this rock enough to be aware of this possibly already stale innovation that I just thought about. Go figure!

And such is the life of a Mad Biracial Woman!