Monday, January 29, 2007

No Monday Blues Here

So I was reading someone else’s blog who was bemoaning the fact that today was Monday and the associated belly aching. For once I did not feel like that. Funny enough the beginning of the day didn’t foreshadow how it was going to end up.

I was late for work. Not by much – just 10 minutes, but late nonetheless. I hate being late… especially on a Monday morning. It’s my mom’s fault… she’d always drill it in my head when I was going to school that Monday mornings set the precedence for the remainder of the week. Hence everything should be as perfect as possible. So I guess for the remainder of the week I will be late but productive at work.

I got so much accomplished today - I fully deserve my pay. I had no time to twiddle my thumbs and be bored… I… liked it. Weird huh? I liked being busy at work. It felt so good. A million emails. Different tasks. And the best part? None doled out by HER! HALLELUJIAH! I have found my niche and I am holding on to it for dear life.

I like being in control of my work. Pacing myself. Doing things my way. I don’t need to dot my Is and cross my Ts like you Missy. If I want them slant, it’s just my style. Hmph… Gee… this wasn’t meant to be a rant…

I am looking forward to the next few months. I don’t know how one good day can change my outlook for the next few months but whatever works to get me motivated I will run with it.

Tomorrow’s another day and the only difference I want is to be on time.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

My 24th Birthday Review

So the birthday came and went. I am older but I don’t feel much different.

I truly enjoyed the day. Since I have been at work no one has had a celebration for their birthday they way they did for mine. I truly feel special.

I was bought lunch. I don’t even know what it is called but it tasted great! I know it had chicken in it. Muh friends at work decorated the training room – purple balloons and tablecloth. The cake was also purple. I wonder why they think I like purple so much? Could it be because of the colour of my car? *smile*

The surprise is funny though… We were talking about uniforms for the company and they had this puke looking yellow like when you’ve had bad curry, as a choice for materials. I am saying it isn’t even a consideration because it’s so ugly so they wasted one of our options. Then my friends said that I should join then in the training room where they’re going to talk with the HR lady. So I was distracted and not looking for the usual signs of a plan and then SURPRISE! I was truly blown away when I walked in.

After work we went to chill at a co-worker’s house. I left and came home to have dinner with my family and my mom got me another cake and there was wining and dining. Small and intimate. That was another pleasant surprise. So I did the family thing and went back to my co-worker’s house for the night.

It was a good day overall. Lots of little things. Little phone calls from people I did not expect. Lots of people forgot too but it doesn’t bother me like it used to. I was too busy enjoying the people who did remember. That’s a more optimistic life for ya! I hope I can keep it up for the rest of the year.

I even had incidents where my day was almost ruined. But you know what? I tried to separate myself from people like that. I was determined to not have my day ruined and good going for me too.

I’m happy to be 24. It’s a vast improvement over the last few years even just for the first day. Thank God for another Birthday and I hope that the happy trend will continue for the rest of this year and for hopefully the many more birthdays to come.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Eve

So I did my hair and my nails today. Not for any particular occasion tomorrow but just cause I want to look and feel pretty and feminine.

Work is interesting lately. I think I am holding my own so far and it’s been good. No more infringement on my brain space and work hours by Delegators®... yet! I know next week is already forecasting gloomy. I have some wheels turning on a few projects I am owning. I have my fingers and toes crossed on these. I need to make my mark at work and now is an awesome time to do it.

There’s this new girl at work though. I don’t have to directly interact with her but she gets on my nerves a little bit. I don’t hate her or anything, but she’s so nuff (read: inquisitive) and a bit obnoxious in the way she behaves. And the singing… I hope I don’t snap one day when I am in a bad mood. It’s like she’s been there for years and acts so friendly and in to everyone and so informal (read: borderline disrespectful) when she’s speaking to people who have some authority over her. And she’s loud! By golly do you need to SCREAM everyone’s name?

So tomorrow I have more work than I was counting on but I need to pull strings together. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good easy-going happy day for me… that’s all I ask.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You?

You Are Most Like Charlotte!
You are the ultimate romantic idealist.
You've been hurt before, but that hasn't caused you to give up on love.
If anything, your resolve to fall in love is stronger than ever.
And it's this feminine optimism that men find most appealing about you.
Romantic prediction: That guy you are seeing (or crushing on)?
Could be very serious - if you play your cards right!

Reality Check

I don’t know why I am on Cloud Nine today but I think I should descend for a bit. Usually when I am in a good mood it is setting myself up for a harder fall. Same concept as why your chances of survival decrease the higher the number of stories you fall from.

In all honesty I know I was riding the wave today because I am excited at doing things for people I care about on their special day. It might seem pessimistic but I don’t want to indirectly expect reciprocation and end up disappointed.

It’s just another day. No big deal. I don’t know why this is happening to me this year. For 7 years in a row I have taken in low key and it’s been just that… underplayed. Why will this year be any different? Go figure…

I best be careful I don’t descend in to the basement with this one…

It’s a lovely day today!

I am in an awesome mood. I guess the Birthday spirit abounds.

Today is muh friend Deb’s birthday and she’s as bubbly as me. Just one of the personality traits we share.

Tomorrow is a new found friend’s birthday too.

Thursday is a former co-worker’s birthday.

And Friday is the end of the week to end all birthday weeks. *grin*

Somewhere in between that I will fit in work.

Monday, January 15, 2007

He cares...

God is good. He answers prayers. Thank You, Jesus!

Sunday, January 14, 2007


When people forge relationships they have certain rules that they implement either consciously or sub-consciously. I’ve come across a few rules from people I know and the most common one is don’t cheat. I would hope that that would be a rule in every relationship but apparently some people can live with a wandering spouse.

I am not saying I couldn’t forgive someone for cheating on me. I accept and understand that we are human and humans make mistakes. But to repeatedly commit such an act is beyond me.

I was having a conversation among friends last night and mentioned that a person we all knew was going through a rough time now with the passing of his mother-in-law. His wife is here for the funeral proceedings – she lives in the USA, while he makes life out here. It is not a secret that he has another woman out here who lives with him on a daily basis – except when the wife is around.

Posted proudly in his bedroom is also a nude picture of him and the matey (woman on the side) where he is playing with her nipple. Now funny enough I have to wonder about that picture… it is still hung up even though the wife is in town. I wonder if the wife has spent any time at his residence and perhaps that is the reason why it is still up on the wall… who knows.

In any event, due to circumstances beyond his control, he cannot return to the USA. So the only time when he and his wife get together is on one of her infrequent trips to Jamaica. Among the group, I was shocked to see how many persons were understanding of the fact that he needed someone out here and that the wife probably had someone in the States too!! Furthermore, they probably know about each other’s outsider and just accept it with an understanding that when they’re together they will be together like husband and wife and whilst apart they will get satisfied elsewhere.

Now I don’t know if I could subscribe to such a rule in my relationship. I would rather be divorced. Maybe that’s the immature side of me, but I just can’t deal with something like that. Surprisingly too, that someone in that conversation was actually someone whose number one conscious rule is also that cheating is unforgivable – yet he could understand the man’s life…? Go figure!

Another rule I have found in men is the hitting rule. One man I know says that if you hit him then and only then will he have to hit you back. This makes me wonder about those fortunate Hollywood stars who smack men across the face when they’ve said something cheeky. Another man I know says he won’t hit you back, but it could be the end of your relationship with him if you hit him – cause Lord knows he would be so pissed and bitch slap you in to the next century if you ever did that to him. Whoa…

I am trying to think of the rules I employ in my relationships. I guess I got homework and it also makes for another post.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Good cat?

So I got this cartoon via email this morning and it made my day.

Got to love the sense of humor of that cat!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Age Controversy

I intended to start off the week at work on the right foot. But that got sidetracked and I decided to constructively idle the first few hours away by reading the local papers. Interestingly enough I came across this article with a subject matter that has always sparked an opinion from me.

Conveniently, while channel surfing this weekend, I also came across a special on Anna Nicole Smith’s life: from Guess Model to Playboy Girl to wife of billionaire to 2nd time mother burying first child to paternity battle. What a life! But anyway, the most important aspect was her marriage to J. Howard Marshall.

It sparks the question in everyone’s mind when they see someone who is old enough to be your parent dating a much younger person, what the motivation for such a relationship could be. I honestly believe that people have different experiences in life that affects the decisions that they make. Even if it’s not for love or sincere feelings for the person – if each individual gets what they need from the union then it works for them. What works for them might not work for us – and who are we to judge? They probably feel the same way about the relationships we forge.

Based on my own life experiences – it is easy for me to have a friendship with someone much older. I am an only child to much older parents who could very well be my grandparents. In fact, I have 1st cousins who are old enough to be my parents.

My socialization as a child required far more maturity than a regular kid would need to display. There was no “Kids’ Table” at family functions, which meant that you needed to have good table manners, proper deportment and etiquette. It meant that to not be bored you had to wrap your mind around adult conversation to read in the context of big words and adult issues. It means getting a reality check about life before you had time to dream and fantasize.

Being raised this way clearly has its pros and cons. Childhood wasn’t all fun and fancy free because you learnt very early that there are consequences to your actions. Bottom line – it makes you mature. However, I am still a big kid at heart. I can have a discussion with a 60 year old about pension schemes and how the Government doesn’t really provide enough for senior citizens, and in the next breath I can be making spit bubbles with a 2 year old that just discovered how to use their tongue and lips to do so! Maybe when I am older I will have the “fun” I thought missed out on as a child and be wearing spandex at age 45 when things don’t hang in the place they are supposed to. LOL

At this stage in my life my needs for a relationship is pretty much a reflection of how I was brought up too. If I can get the stability, the love, the emotional support and the excitement I need from a 60-year-old man I wouldn’t care about his age nor what other people think. Age is just a number. On the flip side though, I honestly don’t think I can get that from the average 18 year old - he’d need too much of the excitement and wouldn’t be able to provide much of the stability. Such a one would have to be exceptional – maybe someone brought up with the same mindset. But at the end of the day, it’s still not taboo in my book.

Sometimes I think my open-mindedness will be my ruin.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

First Post for 2k7

Sometimes things work a certain way and I am not too sure why, but I pray to GOD that someone out there knows why the things that happen the way they do, does – I’m sure.

So after reading that over and if you understand that sentence… let’s proceed. *smile*

I made a post explaining my frumpy mood and it disappeared. I am not sure how I tagged it as a draft but I was quite upset that it didn’t post. I was in no mood to do damage control and so I once again neglected my blog. I hope I am not this way as a parent… Needless to say I recovered the post and so I can now continue.

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

… Better late than never…

My holidays were eventful – but eventful in my own boring way. I told someone I met recently that I tend to be boring and his response was that your life is what you make it. He's absolutely right and that is profound to me. Thanks AH. For 2007 I will make my life how I want it to be and no matter how it is, it's clearly what I am satisfied with, otherwise I would do something to change it because no one else can but me.
My Aunt came to visit for Christmas and she ended up staying in to the New Year. It’s always great to have her around. So the entire season was about family for me and I really enjoyed it like that. We took a trip around the east coast of the island. Did dinners. Watched movies. Played Uno – lol which incidentally were some of the longest rounds of Uno I have EVER played. It took us about four hours to finish one particularly engaging round.

In the back of my mind I have been mulling around with thoughts of the New Year and what I would like to share with you. That post will come eventually. But in the mean time I got this via a friend of mine in email and I think it’s great advice to any and every one for the upcoming year - there should be at least one thing in there that we can work on this year.
Don't date because you are desperate.
Don't marry because you are miserable.
Don't have kids because you think your genes are superior.
Don't philander because you think you are irresistible.
Don't associate with people you can't trust.
Don't cheat. Don't lie. Don't pretend.
Don't dictate because you are smarter.
Don't demand because you are stronger.
Don't sleep around because you think you are old enough and know better.
Don't hurt your kids because loving them is harder.
Don't sell yourself, your family, or your ideals.
Don't stagnate. Don't regress. Don't live in the past.
Time can't bring anything or anyone back.
Don't put your life on hold for possibly Mr/Mrs Right.
Don't throw your life away on absolutely Mr /Mrs Wrong because your biological clock is ticking.
Learn a new skill. Find a new friend. Start a new career.
Sometimes, there is no race to be won.
Only a price to be paid for some of life's more hasty decisions.
To terminate your loneliness, reach out to the homeless.
To feed your nurturing instincts, care for the needy.
Don't bring another life into this world for all the wrong reasons.
To make yourself happy, pursue your passions and be the best of what you can be.
Simplify your life. Take away the clutter.
Get rid of destructive elements: abusive friends, nasty habits, and dangerous liaisons.
Don't abandon your responsibilities but don't overdose on duty.
Don't live life recklessly without thought and feeling for your family.
Be true to yourself.
Don't commit when you are not ready.
Don't keep others waiting needlessly.
Go on that trip. Don't postpone it. Say those words.
Don't let the moment pass.
Do what you have to, even at society's scorn.
Write poetry. Love Deeply. Walk barefoot.
Dance with wild abandon.
Cry at the movies.
Take care of yourself.
Don't wait for someone to take care of you.
You light up your life.
You drive yourself to your destination.
No one completes you - except YOU.
It is true that life does not get easier with age.
It only gets more challenging.
Don't be afraid.
Don't lose your capacity to love.
Pursue your passions.
Live your dreams.
Don't lose faith in your God.
Don't grow old. Just grow YOU!

All the Best for 2k7!