Monday, January 29, 2007

No Monday Blues Here

So I was reading someone else’s blog who was bemoaning the fact that today was Monday and the associated belly aching. For once I did not feel like that. Funny enough the beginning of the day didn’t foreshadow how it was going to end up.

I was late for work. Not by much – just 10 minutes, but late nonetheless. I hate being late… especially on a Monday morning. It’s my mom’s fault… she’d always drill it in my head when I was going to school that Monday mornings set the precedence for the remainder of the week. Hence everything should be as perfect as possible. So I guess for the remainder of the week I will be late but productive at work.

I got so much accomplished today - I fully deserve my pay. I had no time to twiddle my thumbs and be bored… I… liked it. Weird huh? I liked being busy at work. It felt so good. A million emails. Different tasks. And the best part? None doled out by HER! HALLELUJIAH! I have found my niche and I am holding on to it for dear life.

I like being in control of my work. Pacing myself. Doing things my way. I don’t need to dot my Is and cross my Ts like you Missy. If I want them slant, it’s just my style. Hmph… Gee… this wasn’t meant to be a rant…

I am looking forward to the next few months. I don’t know how one good day can change my outlook for the next few months but whatever works to get me motivated I will run with it.

Tomorrow’s another day and the only difference I want is to be on time.

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