Saturday, June 30, 2007

Plight of a Plump Madame

*Warning... This could step on some toes...*

It’s funny how easily blogging is getting these days. Many things are happening and as I have thoughts about them I reach for Word® and just jot them down.

This story resonates with me because I was once in a very similar situation. I overheard this young girl at my office talking to another close co-worker of mine – close in desk proximity and close in relationship too, hence the overhearing.

Imagine being the “friend” to a member of the opposite sex to help them through some of the tougher times while they go through a breakup. We’ll call the friends Jack and Jill. Jill was very supportive of Jack while he went through a bad breakup. She was his everything really. A rock of support to help him through. During this time Jack and Jill became close and did things together and shared a lot together. They were evolving.

Jack then started to become a little distant. Jill wrote it off as him settling in to his new single life. Well settle in he did. Turns out Jill would glimpse Jack around her workplace often. He even came there on “business” once and after saying hello to Jill he went to another department. Jill called that department to speak with him and was given a little attitude by a member of that department. Jill found this very strange and even wondered if she was over-reacting. She wrote it off as just a bad day.

Anyway, Jill keeps seeing Jack come to her workplace and not even call to hail her. Jack calls Jill recently to tell her how much he is grateful for the friendship they have. He also sincerely hopes he is not doing anything to damage their relationship in any way. But he also has something important to tell her… Jack is dating someone from her workplace. She puts two and two together and knows exactly who it is. The same Miss Thing who gave her attitude and she confirms.

Jill is a nice girl. She is a plump Madame but overall a great catch. She feels hurt by the incident. Yet another skinny girl walks in and no matter how kind and sensitive the man is…

I know how she feels. As a full figured woman myself, our picking for mates are always limited. You’ve got to be real lucky to find a good catch. Otherwise it’s the dregs that are left for the taking. I must admit that I have not been unlucky in this respect but it doesn’t mean I didn’t come across my share of the jerks.

It’s like no one looks at personality anymore. It’s all about the figure. We didn’t ask to be fat. Everyone was not created with the same metabolism. Why do we suffer? Why do we suffer alone? Just sad. It’s almost like we have a contagious disease.

To all my fluffy sisters out there… hang in there. I feel your pain. Better must come. Look forward to the day when all the Jacks out there are in pain again and know that someday you’ll want me to want you but I will be with someone who wants me more.

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