Monday, June 25, 2007


I know it’s been a long time since I have blogged. I just didn’t feel like to be honest. I imagine that this is pretty much how this will progress – on and off. Not very good for maintaining a good reader base but alas it cannot be helped. As an avid reader of a few blogs myself, I expect a regular update to be interested.

Funny enough the topic on my mind tonight is very similar… Expectations. That’s the general gist anyway. To be specific, what do we expect from the various relationships we have? Do we expect more than is humanly possible to give?

They say only siths believe in absolutes (for you Star Wars fans out there, w00t!). Either it’s black or white – no grey. Either you’re with me or you’re not. Isn’t religion like that though? When we sin, we sin against God and hence are not a part of his fold. But He is merciful and forgives when sincerely asked. If you don’t recognize the wrong to ask for forgiveness, then you’re not with Him. So is believing in absolutes so wrong?

When I get close to someone I usually give a lot of myself, my time, my resources, my emotions and in general my love and concern. Different levels of people get different combinations of the above and then some. But the dilemma isn’t really at selecting what level to bump someone up or down to… it’s that I expect reciprocation to the same degree.

Someone I thought I used to love once told me that just because someone doesn’t love you the way you expect, doesn’t mean that they don’t love you with all they have inside of them. You can’t make someone like or love you. And if all they have to offer to you is not enough then just move on.

But really… you can’t make someone like or love you? How true is that? If you keep giving to someone in the ways they need isn’t it human nature to gravitate toward that person who gives you that sated feeling? I don’t know… but anyway… I digress.

When you become so vulnerable in your relationships, you become sensitive to things that the person does to you. The more you care is inversely proportional to how much you let things not bother you. More caring = less impervious. So this increased sensitivity breeds all kinds of things if it gets out of control like anger, jealousy, resentment, alienation, etc.

These emotions are backward progressive because it ultimately will push someone away. Yet, we do them anyway. Why? Maybe it’s temporary insanity. Maybe you’re a glutton for pain. Maybe you figure if they go away then you’re making the cause of these emotions go away. Yet, when they’re gone, you miss all they brought to your life. Go figure.

So how do we prevent this altercation from happening? When we get close to someone do you expect them to just know that what they’re doing hurts you? Are they mind readers? How else will they know what they specifically have done really offended you if you don’t tell them? When do you tell them? Do you just let them figure it out? Do you wait until you have calmed down to tell them? What if you’re afraid that they won’t understand where you’re coming from because you just can’t explain it that well? What if you let them in to how you’re thinking and they end up judging you and hurt your feelings? Do we expect too much for them to just know us that well and figure it out?

I expect a lot. And I always get disappointed and hurt. Sometimes I just want to be and stay in my own little box. Been there and done that though and I don’t like it anymore than being hurt. Where’s my grey area then? I’m still learning.



Camille said...

::deep breath::

giving someone what they need when they need won't make them gravitate toward you if they don't have a basic attraction to you in the first place. it might actually have the opposite effect - they like getting what they need, but they resent like hell that it comes from someone other than who they WANT it from.

there is one thing i have learned in the last 2-3 years. you can love someone, but you can despise their every movement too ... but i have also learned that loving someone can be as easy as rolling over and scratching your stomach too - assuming they love you the same.

i am confusing you?

here: bottom line is this, don't give of yourself over and beyond what you can let go of, until someone starts giving back.

as for offenses - there is no way i can know i offended you, unless you tell me. i can guess, i can surmise, i can assume - but i can't know. and the only way i am going to REALLY feel bad about it is if you say to me "gee - that felt really bad the other day when you said ... blah-blah-blah". that way i know you're calm and have thought about it, and want to discuss it progressively. =)

GAWD - why do i sound like i am lecturing? that's not wat i intended. ur post just stirred up some thoughts and i wanted to plunk them down somewhere.


Mizkoncepcion said...

Thanks for the long comment. I love it!

You’re not confusing at all. Sometimes having things highlighted from a different perspective is good especially when you’re calmer. I can think of situations and scenarios I have been in similar to all those stated points.

What do you do though when your love for the person is as easy as rolling over and scratching your stomach and they detest your every movement – yet you’re in a relationship?

I think too that friendship / relationship of the same sex is different from friendship / relationship with the opposite sex. It’s not as complex. Something pulled you in to being friends. Maybe still that person does things to offend you. But how much you overreact doesn’t seem to have as a dire effect as if other hormonal emotions are present.

Maybe I am just a bad girlfriend if that sounds messed up.

The point about someone resenting the fact that they are getting what they need from someone other than who they want it for is extremely valid. However, like you said, there must be some basic attraction for you to have become associated with each other to begin with. Is that not enough of a foundation?

I disagree on the offences bit though. Some people internalize when they’re offended. And depending on how well you know them… you can figure it out. They just might appreciate that you took the time to notice that all isn’t well with them.

Thanks for the lecture! *smile*