Monday, February 26, 2007

The Cycle of Life

I happened across this poem by one of my favourite writers - you have got to be your own biggest supporter! *smile*

Enjoy! I would also appreciate it if you wouldn't reuse my work without my permission. Thanks much!

The Cycle of Life
Life is a conundrum, or so it may seem,
Being manipulated by a rigorous regime.
Caught in a web where everyone is no one,
We all suffer the same fate – like father like son.

Each vicious cycle, all guaranteed to end.
A fate that not even time can transcend.
Battered and bruised by the ravenous tide,
Subscription to Glory - access denied.

Lack of a conscience is a filthy perfume.
Hatred so innate, imbrued in the womb.
A curse that defies scruples and reasons,
The mob that rejects a Man For All Seasons.

Enslaved is the mind, heavily burdened by chains,
Wisdom is like venom coursing through your veins.
Like a whore at her wedding debauch and unadorned,
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Fate hangs in the balance and the more fear you display,
In the blink of an eye even predators can become prey.
Playing with life is The Most Dangerous Game,
The afterlife blazes and earth fuels the flame.


Anonymous said...

Its been 3 months. WHEN are you going to update this thing? Have you nothing to write?

Mizkoncepcion said...

Trying to do it more often...