Monday, April 13, 2009

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Over this long weekend I took some time to reflect on my life as it is now. I dwelled a lot on how relationships in life are never perfect. I think the more I say it is the easier it will be for me to accept it. Being a combined perfectionist, idealistic, control freak is a bad way to be…

Last week in the office we were having a discussion about relationships. Coworker-J, who is in her mid forties and is unmarried, lately has found a new love interest and is enjoying life to the max – absolutely glowing. She has always made it known that there are certain absolutely minimum requirements for her to be with a man. He must be taller than she is – and that is no easy feat because she is about 5’10” tall herself, he must be good looking and physically fit (read no big belly) and must be a gentleman with opening doors for her and picking up the tab etc. For a woman of her age she is still very physically attractive so I guess it is not unfounded for her to demand an equally attractive mate.

So, Coworker-D then turned to me to say that I must not give up hope of finding that happiness with someone because even at Coworker-J’s age she still found it. Coworker-J did interject to tell me don’t wait that long because you miss out on a lot. Despite knowing that, why didn’t Coworker-J settle? It’s great to have ideals but at what point does it become pointless to demand so much?

I think I have some bomb inside that is almost at meltdown. I know several persons will say that I am still young and there is no need to rush, yadda yadda… but remember I am the perfectionist, idealistic, control freak? Yeh… what a quandary…

I have my ideals in a mate and lately I have been feeling that those requirements are baseless. Who am I to require “perfection” from someone when I am far from it? My biggest sore point is my weight. I’ve always wanted someone to love me just the way I am – all of me, but that is the first thing people see and judge you by. People are typically disgusted by an obese person. They don’t want to be with someone whose defect they will constantly have to be on guard to defend because that’s just the way people are.

If you took me as a person and put me in a size 6 body I think they would want to be with me, but since I am not attractive then there’s no real motivation. There was one guy who said after he left me that there are so many sexy women out there running him down, why should he stay and put up with my shit in a relationship. There was another guy who faked a relationship with me in hopes that I would lose the weight, and when I didn’t... And one guy didn’t want to take me anywhere to be seen with him. Really, I could go on with examples. And plain and simply… it hurts.

My initial reaction is why do people have to be so superficial, but everyone’s allowed their own ideals – heck even I have some. I’ve even been told that I am picky. *shock* You can see from my examples above that I have made pretty bad selections from my ideals. Perhaps I am overly ambitious in the type of man I want to be with considering that I have so little to give back. I’m always the one to love first and the last one to leave. I must give it to them for appreciating who I am on the inside to a certain extent – most end up still wanting to be friends, but it just goes to show what inherently is really important. Then it hits home that beggars can’t really be choosers.

Easy for you to say just get up and get on a diet and exercise 3 hours daily and lose the weight then if it’s such a problem. I really wish I could get over this hump and get the mindset to do it. I can’t explain it… but it’s almost the same reason someone suffering from depression can’t just will themselves to get up and be happy tomorrow. It just doesn’t work that easily.

There’s Friend-T who is somewhat aware of the struggle I have with my weight and constantly tries to reassure me that I am not as “fat” as I think I am. She’d point out women who are bigger than I am and show me how they’re enjoying life and they even have men too! LOL Maybe I am caught up with my state more than I ought to be and that is the root of the problem? I really don’t know. I just know that it comes up a lot.

My insecurities are in hyper-drive lately. I have to deal with the harsh realities of it all. And these ideals? They’re slipping. I can feel myself settling. I don’t want to hear that I deserve more because every time I go after more it backfires and I am left standing with nothing more than a broken heart and dented self-esteem.

I used to look down on some girls who would throw themselves at guys and in no time end up sleeping with them. I really thought about what their motivation could be to do something like that – giving them the benefit of the doubt that being a slut isn’t the cause but a symptom. I’ve concluded that they’re searching for some comfort in these men, perhaps some attention they didn’t get from their own father or just the feeling that for the moment when they’re in that man’s bed that they’re sated. While we have different symptoms, I can relate to that need of those girls to be wanted.

Hi. I am a 26 year old obese woman and I’m learning to accept that chances are I will be alone for the rest of my life.


Camille said...

:) Hi. I'm a 38 year old woman who after quite a number of false starts and one grossly mentally abusive relationship has finally found her "perfect" man who is anything but perfect but who is as perfect for her as they come. How did I do it? Just like you, I gave up hope, started laying plans to be forever alone ... and he fell into my lap. While I'm not saying it'll happen that way for you, I am saying that self-acceptance has to a first step.

You, my dear, are beautiful; I have always thought so and I still think so. When you accept that, the rest will fall into place. I now firmly believe in the whole "not before it's time" thing.

I abhor advice givers like I turning out to be in this comment, but I had to share the thought. Forget about what you want "him" to be and be who you are. :)

Forgive me for the lecture and here's your soap box back. ::hugs::

Mizkoncepcion said...

::Hugs:: Thanks ma! Sometimes it's just really overwhelming... ya know? But the encouragement always helps.

Justice said...

That was deep...

Mizkoncepcion said...

You have no idea...!